Programmes with fishermen community in Papar, Sabah targeting awareness on the risk of fish bombing at the oil platforms and alternative livelihood.


Another programme with the fishing community in Pulau Mantanani 2017 in collaboration with the Marine Police, SK Mantanani, PIBG, PLKN and Home stay operators

Satu lagi projek bersama komuniti nelayan di Pulau Mantanani 2017 dengan kerjasama Polis Marin, SK Mantanani, PIBG, PLKN dan Pengusaha-pengusaha rumah enap.

Mantanani Island: The Aspiration of Life and Success 2016

This is the second video from the first video "Mantanani: The struggle towards a sustainable livelihood by MENGO" showing 3 programs with the community. First programme is Mata Helang with children to give a better understanding about journalism, photography and better communication skill. These are among the ingredient to be a good watch dog community. The second programme is Lesson learnt and sharing, target youth and eldest.Participants were divided into small group and they will prepare a presentation. after the presentation the eldest and also the facilitators will give comments and advices. The last programme is Cuba Scuba. The participants are the finalist after they did the presentation skill during Lesson learnt and sharing programme. Overall programmes, the participants from all category shown their best skills and learnt the lessons.


Alternative livelihood in order to reduce and eliminate fish bombing activities among the participants, on focusing on important of education and entrepreneur.